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Types Of Men That Professional, Affluent College Educated Woman Should Avoid!

Updated on December 27, 2012
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Grace loves to write commentaries on psychocultural and sociocultural dynamics in their myriad forms.


Types of Men That Professional, Affluent and College Educated Women Should Not Have Relationships With

More women are becoming educated at the college level and beyond. Compensatory with that type of education are professional careers which afford a very high standard of living. Affluent, professional, and highly educated women have been exposed to cultural and intellectual avenues that non-college educated, and non-professional women have not been. The average college educated woman comes from a socioeconomic background which is middle class and/or above. She aspires to a high standard of living and appreciates the better things of life. She also wants a relationship with a man who does the same.

Now you ask what type of men should affluent, professional college educated women should not have any type of relationship with. Yes, there are several types of men that affluent, professional college educated women should steer away from. There is the blue collar man who is often uncultured and crude. This man usually does not appreciate the finer things of life and usually has a chauvinistic attitude towards women. The blue collar man is very macho in the most primitive sense and feels threatened by a highly intellectual woman. This man neither travels nor participates in cultural and intellectual activities. He is usually content to spend his off hours either at the bar, going to baseball games, and sitting in front of the couch watching television.

Secondly, there is the man who does not have a college education. Avoid this person like the plague. He usually has a menial, low paying job and has only a rudimentary knowledge of life. This man is clearly not intellectual and is totally incapable of holding an intelligent conversation. Like his blue collar cousin, he usually does not read complex materials outside magazines and everyday newspapers such as THE DAILY NEWS. Books are not in his purview and/or lifestyle. This man like his blue collar cousin scorns self-improvement and continuing education. He is content to live a meager existence, living from hand to mouth. The non-college educated man clearly does not participate in cultural activities because this is foreign to him and is content being a couch potato, watching endless hours of television.

Thirdly, there is the man who comes from a lower socioeconomic background. Although there are some men from lower socioeconomic backgrounds who do become educated and affluent, these are in the minority. Most men who come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds remain that way. They believe in ekeing out a living and not thriving and growing. Men from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are often passive-aggressive, fatalistic, and do not believe in success.

They believe that success is beyond them and that it belongs to someone else, not them. Men from lower socioeconomic backgrounds usually have an adverse reaction to affluence and wealth. They believe that rich and successful people are unethical and greedy. The average man from a lower socioeconomic background believes in hand outs and bail outs. He usually has a high school education or less because he is adverse to education believing it is irrelevant to his economic life.

Next, is the unambitious man. This man can come from any socioeconomic and educational background. This is the type of man who is content with his job and/or career as it stands. He does not believe in asserting himself and putting in the extra hours to obtain a promotion. This man is often adverse to hard work and views work as a chore, not a challenge. This man believes in working enough to pay his bills and not to get terminated. He views work as a means to an end.

The second part to the unambitious man is the man who refuses to work. He usually comes from a very affluent background. His parents usually support him or provided him with financial security so that he does not have to work. He has leisure time at his disposal. He usually disdain people who work, seeing them as dull and unimaginative. This man would rather spend his time in leisurely pursuits than to use his potential to contribute to society. This man is often immature and does not assume responsibility in any relationship but would rather have someone else take care of him and his needs.

Last but not least is the man who lives with his parents. Ladies, steer clear of this type of man. He is usually a loser who is risk-averse and is afraid to take manly responsibilities and live on his own. Usually his parents take care of his financial needs as he does not have to pay rent in addition to his parents performing chores that he should perform himself. This man usually have a low paying menial level job as he does not see the need to having any type of substantial job because he is living with his parents. Please note: the average man who lives with his parents is a BOY, not a man. He is content to live in adolescence and not to assume adult responsibilities such as a moderately well paying job and an apartment. Studies furthermore show that men who live with their parents do not achieve anything of significance, especially in the career arena.

Now you have it, women who are affluent, professional, and college educated seek men who are equally affluent, ambitious, and aspire to the better things of life. Tertiary education opens one's horizons and outlooks in life regarding cultural and intellectual outlooks. People with college education and beyond are more mature, cultured, progressive, and affluent than people without college education. Women with college educations should not have to settle for crumbs, but reach for the stars!


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